The body tag

Quick look

Required?sort of?
Common attributestypically none
Common arianone allowed


The body tag is where nearly all your presentational HTML will go. It's considered a section element, in good company with nav, section, and others. Section elements are used to provide meaningful structure to the page, so that browsers and assistive devices have more context to the content within each element. For example, a nav should be interpreted differently than a body element.

While it's not strictly required, it's good practice to include it. If you omit the tag, browsers will usually insert it for you. Because browsers can have different behavior, you may get unexpected side effects relying on this implementation. Explicitly defining the body tag also allows you to define the language of the document, if you haven't already defined it on the html tag.

body must be the second child of the html tag (head being the first child).

In JavaScript, you can access the body element via document.body.



While you can set the lang and dir on a body tag, you typically should set it on the html instead. Setting the lang on body means all the meta information in the head tag will be lacking the language declaration.

Global attributes


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

Note: denotes miscellaneous HTML, removed for brevity.


MDN: The body tag

MDN: Section elements

lang tag on html instead of body